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All JANNAF Journal Content Now Available Through JDOC

Full-text articles for all issues of the JANNAF Journal of Propulsion and Energetics (volumes1-9) are now available as PDFs through JANNAF Digital Online Collection (JDOC) on the JANNAF website.
To view the full list of journal articles you will need a JANNAF portal account and access to JDOC.  Log in using your JANNAF portal account, go to JDOC and use the following search string, including quotation marks, in the JDOC search box:
"JANNAF Journal of Propulsion and Energetics" 

All ERG hosted sites are on-line. November 20th, 2018

All websites are on-line.

======  The original News Alert is below.

On November 20th, 2018, all websites hosted by JHU-WSE Energetics Research Group will be shutdown for regularly schedule maintenance.  

Each website will be shutdown during the afternoon of November 20th and brought online again as quickly as possible.  All websites should be up and running by end of business (5:00 PM).  

This event will affect the following websites:

JANNAF May 2018 Meeting - New Info!

The Final Program for the May meeting has been uploaded to the meeting website. Updates will be made to the online version as time permits between now and the meeting. The Final Program is limited distribution and requires login to your JANNAF Secure Portal account. The meeting website can be found here
